Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Dog Talk

There are “experts” who will tell you that dogs don’t understand English, or whatever language you speak in your household, that they only respond to body language and your tone of voice.  I don’t buy it.  If that were true, how would they differentiate between commands like stay and come?

Then there are those folks who are sure their dogs talk to them.  I always figured they were just as wrong as the first group  - until today.

Dusty, our little red miniature dachshund, is absolutely sure she runs the house, and she barks at us all the time.  She not only understands English, she even knows what we are talking about when we try spelling  stuff we don’t want her to understand.

In addition to barking, she also makes weird noises I can’t really describe.  Not a whine, more like a loud extended yawn, but it’s not that either.  When she does it she moves her mouth around this way and that, and varies the pitch. Then she looks at you afterword as if expecting a response.

A few minutes ago, as I got up from the computer, Dusty made one of those noises, and it definitely ended with a question mark.  Don’t get me wrong, it was not clearly enunciated, but I swear it sounded like “Goin’ outside?”

Well I said “Yes.” and both dogs jumped up and ran for the door.

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