Friday, October 11, 2013

Delicious Oxymoron


An Oxymoron is a phrase or figure of speech made up of contradictory terms.  They show up often in English – civil war, jumbo shrimp, the daily special, etc.

Add to that list Low Calorie Alfredo Sauce, something that I would have sworn  did not exist - or if it did, was just about as rare as a North Korean NASCAR Driver, and just about as likely to be successful!

I’m happy to report that not only is Low Cal Alfredo possible, I’ve made it and it tastes great!

I used this recipe from the Food Network, with a couple of substitutions based on what we had on-hand in the fridge.  We had parmesan cheese, but not enough to match the recipe, so I kept the shredded parmesan to sprinkle on top and used a four-cheese Italian blend we keep for making pizza in the sauce.  The addition of Romano, Asiago, and Mozzarella to the mixture (the fourth cheese was Parmesan) worked great.  If anything, it made the sauce even creamier.

Substituting 2% milk (and a dollop of low-fat cream cheese) for the heavy cream of a traditional Alfredo sauce almost seems sacrilegious, but it works.  The result was fantastic.

Instead of fettuccini, we had penne pasta (Barilla Mini Penne) because that was what was in the pantry, and served it alongside baked Mahi Mahi. 

It was a fabulous meal.



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