Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Throughout the recent political conventions, and every day on Facebook, there has been a great deal of rhetoric about abortion.

Much of the problem, it seems to me, comes down to semantics and terminology. In the best tradition of politics and advertising, each side has defined itself using titles that seem to make their stand appear unassailable. Who among us is not Pro-Life? What reasonable person is not Pro-Choice?

If the pro-abortion crowd was truly anti-life, they could not exist. They would all have committed suicide like lemmings leaping off a cliff. Clearly, we all value life to some extent.

And what about choice? It will probably surprise some to learn that while I abhor the idea of abortion, I support a woman’s right to submit to one should she feel it is necessary. I believe she should be the final arbiter in that decision, and the government should stay out of the decision making process.

My objection to Pro-Choice is this. I consider abortion to be not a choice but a consequenceNobody chooses an abortion just for the Hell of it. 

I do not believe there has ever been a case of a woman saying “Gee, there’s nothing good on TV – Think I’ll run down and get an abortion.”

The choice (and if she’s seeking an abortion, it was a bad choice) was made days or weeks before. 

EDITOR’S NOTE – I was going to leave this post as-is, and it is probably more effective that way, but it occurred to me that it might appear to blame the woman in cases of rape.  Let me point out that the bad choice in the case of rape was made by the perpetrator, not the victim.

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