Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Hobby Lobby


The Supreme Court has ruled, 5 to 4, in the Hobby Lobby case, but the fight seems to be intensifying.

The problem, as I see it, is that nobody – not even the Justices on the Court – can agree upon what the real issue is. 

One side calls it a Women’s Rights issue, while the other sees it as the Constitutional protection of Freedom of Religion.

In the majority ruling, the 1st Amendment took precedence when the Court ruled that the Southern Baptist owners of   Hobby Lobby and the Mennonite owners of Conestoga Wood Specialties could not be forced to pay for contraception for their employees as mandated by Obamacare.

Like dissenting Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg warned, this decision could open the door to a flood of other cases.  There are those (and presumably business owners) whose religion prohibits things like blood transfusions and vaccines – will this case set a precedent that will allow them to refuse to purchase health insurance altogether?  It could get interesting.

  • Should women have access to birth control? 
  • Absolutely!
  • Should an employer be forced by the government to pay for something they consider a sin?
  • Absolutely not!

Was yesterday’s decision the right decision? 

I think it was.

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