Thursday, April 19, 2018

Dog Years

Our two miniature dachshunds will be 14 years old this summer, which definitely makes them senior citizens.  The average life expectancy for dachshunds is 12 to 15 years.
They are both beginning to show signs of aging.  It had to happen, but it makes me a little sad.
Dusty has gained weight, and has cataracts on both eyes.  In the past few weeks,  those two conditions have combined to make her unable to jump up into the chair where they spend most of their day.  At first, she would try and come up short, then wait for us to pick her up.  Lately, she doesn't even try.  She spends her time in a dog bed I bought a couple years ago - a dog bed she wouldn't have anything to do with until now.
I'm not sure I can blame Tinker's latest problem on age. 
A couple weeks ago, when they almost caught that squirrel, Tinker injured her tail.  I don't think she broke it - she still won't let us touch it - but she probably dislocated a vertebra near the base of her tail.
We had no idea she was hurt - she seemed fine after the squirrel chase until the first time she had to poop, then she yelped in pain - almost sounded like she had been snake bit. 
She is  OK otherwise, but normal position and movement involved in bowel movements is still painful.  Instead of hunkering in one spot like she has done all her life, she now spins in a circle, and sort of slings her droppings.  That would be fine except instead of picking out a spot out in the yard, she consistently does this just out the back door.

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