Sunday, March 20, 2011

They’re Back


I had no idea what I was going to post today – several things on my mind, mostly not important or maybe too important to discuss without further thought – then just after breakfast, Honey and I went outside and saw the first hummingbird of the season. 

It was a male ruby throated hummingbird, which I’m told typically arrive about two weeks ahead of the females.

I actually heard him before I saw him.  I was facing away from the feeder and heard the distinctive buzz just as Honey saw him approach.

We have had the feeders out for a couple of weeks now, and Honey had predicted that we would see one this weekend.  The feeling was almost like watching sevens come up on a quarter slot machine or finding a four-leaf clover.

The feeder in the photo is the first one he visited, but the picture is actually one I took last year.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful, Bob. We had a hummingbird feeder for a few years. One year, I think about 40 hummers were swarming that feeder. We were filling it twice a day, and they'd suck it dry. So we added another one. So that's filling two feeders twice a day. There were so man, it was crazy. The next year, all returned--I guess--and brought a guest. It became tiresome. Plus they'd fly into our screened in porch and their beaks would become lodged. Oh, I hated that. It hurt so much so watch them flap and flutter but couldn'y dislodge themselves. I'd go out on the porch, and gently push on the beak until they were free.
    So we removed them completely the next year. Guess what, swarms returned and for weeks would fly around the area where the feeders once hung off the porch. Finally, most left. Next year--they returned once again.
    I had no idea they had that much memory.
