Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I come by my love of reading naturally; my parents always had at least one book going, and while my addiction may never have achieved the level of my niece, Melanie, by the time I was in the third grade I had read everything in my elementary school library. 

My comprehension level was good, but my retention level was always a little quirky.  My brain tends to latch on to the most insignificant bits of data, and it will hold them forever.  As an example, here is a joke that I read at least a half-century ago in the Readers Digest:

{I’ll admit that it was a quick search, since this is a daily blog, but I tried an on-line search for the original with no success. This is paraphrased –  it’s how I remember it.}

Three young men from New Jersey took their inheritance and moved to West Texas where they bought a ranch.  They stocked it with beef cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. 

All was going well until they realized that all the other ranches had impressive names.  Unable to agree on a suitable name, they wrote their mother back in Jersey asking for her advice.

She sent them a telegram that said, “Name it Focus.”

They wired back, “FOCUS?  Why?”

She replied, “Focus - Where the sun’s rays meet.”


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