Monday, April 13, 2015


hillary-clinton-winking-550x367In one of those strange quirks unique to American politics, Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy for President yesterday.  Strange because everybody knew she intended to run, her campaign had even issued an announcement about when and how she was going to announce, and when the expected announcement failed to come on time, it led to all sorts of speculation.

Now that it is official, my left-leaning friends are ecstatic, but  I can’t understand why.  As far as I can determine, her only accomplishments are becoming a poster girl for pantsuits, and staying married to someone any self-respecting woman would have kicked to the curb years ago. Meanwhile, those on the right are flooding social media with attacks on her honesty, her competence and even her looks.

She might not be the worst presidential candidate this country has ever produced – Obama probably has a lock on that title – but one day into her campaign, she seems well on her way to becoming the most divisive.

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