Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ain’t Over Yet

The Ft. Hood trial is over and Nadal Hasan has been sentenced to death.  Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that the Army can just take him outside and shoot him – something he seems to want  - along with most everyone who has followed the case. 

Under the UCMJ, a death sentence requires an automatic appeal, so all that was really accomplished yesterday is that Hasan is no longer a Major (loss of rank and privileges) or a member of the US military (dishonorable discharge) and he will be transported to Leavenworth to await his fate.

I am not a big Sean Hannity fan.  I find him hard to listen to because he wastes so much time telling you what he is going to talk about when he could just be talking.  But generally, I tend to agree with most of what he says.

Yesterday, though, Hannity said something really stupid! 

In discussing the Hasan verdict, he said (paraphrasing) It’s a good thing the trial was held in Texas – Those people don’t mess around when it comes to the death penalty.


Sorry, Sean.  The trial was a military court martial held on a military reservation.  Texas law, or for that matter, Texas attitudes had nothing to do with it at all!

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