Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Coffee-Cup Theory

full cup

I have learned over the years that if I fill my coffee cup too full – literally to the brim – that I can make it from the counter to the table without spilling any if I just pick it up and walk.  If I look at it, the coffee will start swirling and sloshing, and I’m guaranteed to spill some before I’ve gone two steps.

It seems that life is a lot like that. 

As I grow older, I have become much more aware of how I feel, and consequently I feel a lot of aches and pains that I never noticed before. 

Senior Citizen status, coupled with several common conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. have forced me to become more aware of my body.  That, in itself, is probably a good thing, but when added to the extra time retirement brings, it can easily lead to obsessive behavior or at least over reaction.

I am sure that the little aches that cause me to decide I don’t feel like doing some thing or another are nothing new.  I was just too busy living to notice before, so they never slowed me down.

So – I’ve decided that I will continue to take my pills,  cooperate with Honey on  diet and exercise regimens, but – as much as possible – I’m going to quit looking at the cup.

Of course, it is sometimes wise to take a sip or two before walking with your coffee.  Not sure how that fits into my little metaphor, but I’ll let you know how it turns out.

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