Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Japan and Ireland – Peas in a Pod

Have you ever thought about how much Japan and Ireland have in common?

Both are Island nations with a history of animosity toward their nearest neighbors, and both have been occupied within the past century.

Japan has Rice, sake, sushi and haiku; Ireland has potatoes, Guinness, corned beef and Limericks. 

Japan has Kabuki theater, and Italian Opera (Mme. Butterfly) while Ireland has James Joyce and Italian Soap Opera (What did the Pope know, and when did he know it.)

Japanese-Americans do tend to define themselves by ethnicity while the Irish suffer homesickness for a land most have never seen. 

Here’s the story of a young Japanese-American girl who met an Irish-American lad in college, and against the advice of both families they got married.  Their wedding was beautiful and they felt they were off to a fine start.

Then came an unfortunate event at dinner while they were honeymooning in Mexico.  It caused Michiko to write -

Stars, waves,  sonic boom
Cuervo curdles in the glass
Cry chipotle tears

Upon reading his little lotus blossom’s poem, Padraig penned -

There once was a guy in Cancun,
Whose farts could be heard on the moon.
The fumes from his ass
Would etch Pyrex glass
And caused turkey buzzards to swoon.


  1. LOL!!! Seriously, Dad, you crack me up :)

  2. I like it Bob, I've got a few up my sleeve. I jump on the band wagon, following the pictures. I also like to do risqué. Muriel. xxx
