Friday, September 28, 2018

What If ?

Saw several posts and memes this morning from left-leaning friends indicating that Judge Kavanaugh's righteous indignation at yesterday's senate hearing was a clear indication that he is emotionally unfit to serve.
I'm not sure they really believe that - think it's more likely they were just firing the last shots in a dwindling arsenal.  
But, for any that do, consider this scenario:
You have spent your entire adult life in public service, and have been vetted and approved for increasingly important posts a half dozen times in the past 20 years. 
Now at the very end of a series of hearings about your dream job, someone comes forward and says that you were the "town pump" back in the 60s, the girl that would "pull the train" in the back seat of an old Chevy at the Saturday night dances at the American Legion Hall.
There may have been some girl who fit that description, but you KNOW it wasn't you!
What, if anything, can you do?
What. if anything, can you say?
Do you think, under those circumstances, that you might get irate?

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