Saturday, September 8, 2018

Rough Cuff

Last spring, while Honey was having her cataract surgery, I took a spill in the surgical center parking lot.  
I didn't think much about it at the time, but it soon became obvious that I had done some damage to the rotator cuff of my right shoulder. Nothing too serious - I still have full range of motion, and can do pretty much anything I could do before I fell.  If I swing my arm in a windmill motion I do hear (and feel) cracks and pops and grinding noises, but usually, it doesn't bother me.
I have learned that repetitive back-and-forth motions - like vacuuming or using the weed eater - will cause it to flare up, but it's nothing a couple of ibuprofen won't handle. 
Surprisingly, it seems that the worst thing I can do is sit here at the computer. An hour or so of moving the mouse around causes my shoulder to ache worse than an hour doing something that is actually productive.

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