Sunday, May 24, 2020


Back in the '70s, around 1974, there was a used tractor store on Highway 59 near Greens Bayou.  I was in there one day and saw something that grabbed my attention.

It was a cement mixer that mounted on a tractor's three-point hitch and was driven off the P-T-O. It was made in England, was pretty darn expensive, and I just had to have it.  
It seemed like just about the greatest invention since sliced bread, and I could envision dozens of projects that I could do - mixing concrete and backing the tractor to the exact spot where it was needed.  
I didn't have the 400-plus dollars the thing cost, but I did have an old Massey Ferguson tractor I no longer needed since I had recently inherited my Dad's 8-N Ford.  I ended up trading the Ferguson for the mixer and a few other parts and accessories.
Fast forward to today ---
I still have the mixer.  It has never been used, and it has been sitting around rusting up in my barn for over 45 years.
Honey says I need to sell it - she has a very low tolerance for things that don't work, even the ones that could if ever given a chance.  I tried to tell her I might still use it, but I don't think she believes me and I'm not sure I do either.

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