Sunday, May 10, 2020

Imelda Update and a Flashback

The engineer that the insurance company hired finally made an appearance on Thursday.  He seemed like a fine fellow and his wife was awfully nice as well.  What that means in terms of getting our house completed - - - I have no idea.
John (the engineer) has his own company called EFI Global.  When I saw that on his business card, it sent me on a trip down memory lane.  The remarkably similar EFI Corporation was a manufacturer of print controllers for the color copier/printer industry.  EFI was also the first name of the company's founder, an Israeli businessman named Efi Arazi.

In their case, EFI stood for Electronics for Imaging, and while they did sell hardware, they were primarily involved in the software development side of the business. Their machines took what you could see on your computer - JPEGs, GIFs or whatever - and converted it into signals that would cause your printer to produce an accurate facsimile.

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