Tuesday, June 18, 2019

You Can Find ANYTHING On The Internet

You can find anything on the internet - anything at all - whether you want to or not.
A few days ago, while taking my pills, I noticed one in my aspirin bottle that was white and round but much smaller than the others.  It had a strange squiggle on one side and the numbers 3973 on the other.
I did an on-line search and discovered that the squiggle was a cursive V and the pill was Lisinopril, one of the meds I take every day.  I didn't recognise it because the Lisinopril I take now is much smaller and orange. I haven't taken the white pill like the one in the aspirin bottle in over a year, and I still have no idea how it got in there.
Sometimes, you don't even have to search - things will find you. I recently opened an email from someone I thought was a former student.  I know this is a dangerous thing to do, but I was sure I knew the sender.
I guess I got lucky it wasn't some kind of malware virus.
It turned out to be a link to a video of a young woman engaged in a sex act with a TIGER! Yep, a real live, honest to God, Bengal freakin tiger.
Now that's something I would never have imagined.  Something I would not have believed possible, and something you just can't un-see.

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