Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Columbia House Syndrome

Explaining the success of the Democratic Party yesterday, Michael Berry on KTRH radio compared them to Columbia House, the company that used to offer ten music CDs for ten cents to get people to subscribe.  He made the point that it is human nature to accept a pretty lie – folks will accept a promise of something for nothing, will accept a premise they want to believe, even in the face of undeniable proof to the contrary.

I had proof overnight that I am not immune to this weakness when I got the following email.


I haven’t ordered a ticket from Delta or any other airline and have no reason to fly to Bakersfield.  Still, I couldn’t help myself, I had to open the attached zip file. 

Luckily, I have several antivirus and anti-malware programs running on my computer. One of them, AVG, kept the file from opening, but it still took over half an hour and three re-starts to get my computer back to normal.

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