Friday, February 18, 2011

Another Ft. Hood Memory


I mentioned earlier this week that my platoon at the 502nd Admin Co. included the staff from the 2nd AD Chaplain’s office.  That “staff” was a Sp5 named Michael (Something) who served as the Chaplain’s clerk. 

With the same sort of military logic that had assigned the semi-literate Glaupion to the post office, the young man assigned as the chaplain’s assistant  was easily the rowdiest soldier among the 44,000 or so stationed at Ft. Hood at the time. Mike used to brag that his chain of command went from him, to a full-bird colonel, to God.

The Division Chaplain was, in fact, a colonel, and a Roman Catholic priest.  About once a month or so, he would join the enlisted men in line for a meal, then sit and talk with them while they ate – a fairly effective way of staying in touch with the young men who constituted his flock.

One evening when he had joined our line, a private – new to the company, exclaimed “Hey!  There’s a f**king colonel standing in line – an honest to God Full-bird Colonel!”

A sergeant further down the line was apparently offended. In a voice that easily could have been heard across the parade ground, he said, “Shut the f**k up, asshole.  that Goddamned colonel is a f**king Priest!”

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