Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Paulette Test

I was sad to learn last week that a girl I dated in high school had died.  Considering my age, and the number of girls I dated - junior high to college -  she probably wasn't the first, but she is the first I have heard about.
Paulette was a sweet girl, very shapely if slightly overweight - the term zaftig comes to mind - and when I first moved to Alvin several of my friends encouraged me to ask her out.  I didn't, and I later learned that, because we both wore braces at the time, they were betting that we would get hung up which they thought would be hilarious.
We did have one date, and how it came about was unusual to say the least. 
Joyce, the girl I was dating at the time, and Paulette were best friends.  Joyce had delivered a patriotic speech at the American Legion that won her an expense-paid trip to the United Nations in New York.  She suggested that Paulette and I should go out while she was away.
I was prepared for a very Platonic date - a movie at the local drive in and maybe a stop by the Dairy Queen before I took her home, but by the time I got parked and had the speaker hung in the window, Paulette was all over me! Things did not get totally out of control, but it did get pretty steamy for a while.
Later I wondered if this had been some kind of test, and whether or not I had passed.
Oh, for what it's worth, our braces never did hang up.

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