Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I’m Offended

Here’s a local news story that just underlines the stupidity – the whole “what can I find to be offended about” mentality – that I was complaining about yesterday:

Houston Independent School District Superintendent Terry Grier says it’s time to correct a longstanding wrong with the use of Native American images as mascots.

He’s asking trustees to approve a change in policy that would “respect cultural differences, values, and attitudes” by placing a ban on mascots or nicknames that use race or ethnicity.

That includes the Lamar High School Redskins, the Hamilton Middle School Indians, Westbury High School Rebels and the Welch Middle School Warriors.

“The district is providing assistance to principals at those schools to work with their communities to honor the traditions of the old mascots while having new ones in place in time for the opening of school next August.”

I remember in the fall of 1960– back in the days when Texas schools were still racially segregated – I went with the son of the local school superintendant to a football game in Hitchcock, Texas.  It was a playoff game between the local colored high school and the Black Dragons from China, Texas.  Those kids from China were not offended by the name of their team, they were proud of it, and I still think it was the coolest name for a high school team ever.

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