Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Portobello Pizza

Honey has always been a excellent cook – I gained thirty pounds in the first four months after we married – but she has never been adventurous.  She stuck to tried-and-true recipes she grew up with, or if she did try a new recipe, she meticulously followed it to the letter.

Since we’ve retired, she has started watching cooking shows and researching recipes in the internet, and experimenting with new things.  Not only that, she now tries her own modifications and variations, and is proving to herself that she has a knack for improving on the taste of just about anything she tries.

Supper last night was an excellent example.  I don’t know whether to call it stuffed mushrooms or mini-pizzas, but it was fantastic!  I don’t know the recipe, but she used the caps of Portobello mushrooms as the base, with typical pizza ingredients on top.  She served them alongside a lettuce wedge sprinkled with her own recipe home-made Italian dressing. I can’t recall a better meal I’ve had anywhere.

I mentioned that I gained weight when we married; I am actually losing weight now, and my blood sugar is down.  I could stand to gain the weight then and can certainly afford to lose it now. All of her creations have been low-cal and low-carb and delicious.  That combination is hard to beat.


  1. Go Mom!!! And, her recipes always do sound delicious!

  2. Sounds fantastic! Way to go, Honey. You are a lucky man, Bro.
