Tuesday, January 12, 2021

I'll See Your Fog and Raise You...

 I really like David Paul on Channel 11. A local boy, born and raised in Houston, he likes cold weather more than he should, but otherwise he's a pretty darn good weatherman.

Last night he was all excited about the possibility of ice fog here this morning - a phenomenon where fog is made up not of tiny water droplets but tiny crystals of ice.  As he described it, it is not quite as rare as the second coming but about on par with seeing the aurora borealis in Puerto Vallarta.

Well, morning came and our temperature was below freezing, there was frost and some fog - not much, visibility was probably a couple miles.  I suppose it was ice fog, but I wasn't impressed.  Paul's description had made it sound a lot more interesting.

Then I noticed something truly unique.   Frost had formed on both the top and the underside of our porch roof and about ten o'clock it began to melt.

Skies were blue, the sun was out, and it was raining only on the inside of our back porch!  

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