Sunday, February 3, 2019

Whatever Happened to Good Versus Evil?

I'll preface this by admitting that Camelot never actually existed, there never was a Utopia and our memories of a happier, simpler time are largely figments of our imagination.
That being said, I do seem to remember when choices were easier to make - when things came down to Good versus Evil.  
In today's society, that is no longer the case.  More often than not we are forced to choose between Bad and Worse, between Misinformed and downright Stupid, between Embarrassing and Disgusting. 
A case in point is the Governor of Virginia, who is currently being called upon to resign.  If the news could be believed, members of both political parties want him gone, but they are more disturbed that he once wore blackface at a college party than with his recent statements in support of infanticide. 
How did we ever get to this point?

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