Friday, April 7, 2017

Cutting Off The Head

Yesterday, in response to Syrian leader Bashar al Assad's use of Sarin gas against his own people, the US fired 50 Cruse missiles against a Syrian airfield.  Syria, Russia and Iran have condemned the attack, but the rest of the world's leaders have almost universally hailed it as a measured response to a reprehensible act.
It seems to me that a more appropriate response would be to take out  Assad himself. 
Whenever this is mentioned, media quickly points out that this would be a violation of international law.  I don't think that is true.  Assassination of a head of state has been considered a no-no since about the 17th century, but only  if the nations involved are not at war.  Gerald Ford issued executive orders banning the CIA from assassinating foreign heads of state after a botched attempt on the life of Fidel Castro, but Reagan sent planes to bomb the home of Muammar Gaddafi. 
I think the real reason going after a head of state is universally frowned upon is fear of reciprocity.  It places a huge target on the back of the leader of the country that orders the hit.
But is it illegal.
No, it is not.
As Voltaire said, "Killing a man is murder unless it is done to the sound of trumpets."
In Assad's case, maybe it's time to strike up the band.

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