Monday, December 14, 2020

What's New


Most of the time, I'm satisfied with Microsoft and Windows 10, but once in a while it really ticks me off.  This past weekend is an example.

When I shut my computer down Saturday evening, I selected the Update and Shut Down option.  When I logged on Sunday morning, I had lost everything in Outlook - no Contacts, no Calendar, no Notes and none of the files I had created to hold correspondence related to flood damage etc.

I do back up my computer - not as often as I should, but probably more often than you do.

Once I logged into One Drive, I could see my Contacts file out there on the cloud, but nothing I tried would let me move it back where it belonged.

Finally in desperation, early this morning I crossed my fingers and did a System Restore.  Luckily it worked and Outlook is back to normal.

My version of Windows lets me delay, but not eliminate, updates.  There are programs to download that will supposedly let you stop them entirely.  I haven't done that yet, but I'm leaning that way.

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