Thursday, February 12, 2015

Saint Kayla

Kayla Mueller3

Since the confirmation of her death while a captive of terrorists in Syria, there has been a concentrated effort by the media to portray Kayla Mueller as a saint.  She may well have been.  I have no doubt that she was a wonderful person who felt a true calling to alleviate suffering in the world.

But – coming just days before the President’s request for authorization from Congress to fight ISIS - the timing of the campaign to portray her as a Christian martyr has me wondering.  How much of what we see and hear is sincere, and how much is a cynical attempt to use her tragic death to achieve an agenda?

There is no question that by any name, ISIS - or ISIL, or Da’ish or whatever they are calling themselves today – represents true evil; evil somehow made worse by claiming their despicable actions are being done in the name of their God.  Still, I wonder what Miss Mueller would think of being used as a rallying cry, as a Standard for leading men into battle.

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