Saturday, August 20, 2011

Balancing Truth, Opinion and Plain Old B-S


I often wonder how anybody could be expected to form an intelligent opinion on anything if they are limited by the information available to them in the media.

Today’s example is a well researched and well thought out paper by three scholars from Columbia University on the subject of extraterrestrial intelligence – whether it exists, and the implications of various scenarios if it does.

You can read the 30-page document HERE.

One internet news outlet,  TG Daily, pulled a single line from the document to post a story headlined “Global warming 'could trigger alien attack.”

1 comment:

  1. These so-called scholars from Columbia University don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. I only made it though three pages of their 30 page document to know they were complete idiots. As for the Media pulling out their form of disinformation and misrepresenting the content of the document in their own way is a fact of life we have to live with. The Media in a nutshell,"smoke and mirrors".
