Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Watch Your Tongue


My mama always told me that my tongue would get me in trouble.  She was right, but I don’t think this was what she meant!

Here’s my sad story:

Honey has been walking every day for a while now, two-plus miles up and down our driveway.  I join her some of the time, usually for less than a mile because walking up and down the driveway – even with a loving companion – is about the most boring activity ever conceived by man.

Anyway, yesterday morning she had already gone out and I was getting ready to join her.  I lifted my right foot up by my left knee and bent over slightly to adjust the tongue in my shoe.


I got an excruciating pain across my lower back.

All I could do was stand there and whimper at first, but I finally made it outside and told her what happened.

Two visits to the chiropractor yesterday (with another scheduled this afternoon) and I am much better.  There is some residual ache, but  it doesn’t really hurt much as long as I am standing, sitting or lying down.  Getting from any one position to another is still a bitch.

1 comment:

  1. Walking laps on a long driveway has some advantages -- you don't have to deal with the neighborhood dogs that run loose; you don't have to walk on an uneven road; if you get tired or feel bad you can just go into the house. Boredom is a small price to pay. Besides I am getting some exercise.
