Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sort of a Scoop – the Latest Poop


Among the best known and most highly respected breeders of  miniature horses in Texas are the Poor Clare Nuns at their monastery in Brenham.

Yes nuns, as in female-type Catholic ladies, and yes monastery – they explain all that on their website.

While researching yesterday’s post, I came across an article on a New Zealand based website [ see story here ] saying that the sisters were selling off their entire herd and getting out of the horse business entirely!  I checked local sources in Houston and Brenham and could not get confirmation, but an email to the monastery got the following:

Yes, it is true; the place is for sale and we are needing to sell the herd. We are still open in the meantime, and still have horses. Yes, there will definitely be horses here during the AutumnFest!!

I know, our website doesn't mention it - I was waiting until next week to update it as we will have some definite news to post by mid-week (as in, we "may" already have a buyer; we'll know for sure next week).

Meanwhile, it's business as usual as long as we're here, and we will be here for at least a few months yet while we build a new monastery.

Thanks for writing.

Sr. Angela

Autumnfest is October 9, and features cart rides, barbecue and kids games, along with the chance to see and pet the horses and buy the Sister’s pottery.

The Poor Clare nuns and their horses have become a bit of a Texas tradition.  It’ll be sad to see that come to an end.

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