Tuesday, May 25, 2021

What Happened Next?


In the tale I told yesterday, I failed to mention that, after the destruction of his marvelous bush, the Emperor ordered the stadium razed and baseball prohibited throughout China.  That is why you probably never knew the game was invented there, and why it is still not played in China today.

Baseball is popular in Korea and Japan, and teams from the Republic of China (Taiwan) dominated the Little League World Series throughout the 1980s and 90s, but there is no baseball on the Chinese  mainland.

Was Khalid able to restore the marvelous rock crystal mulberry bush to its former glory?  We may never know. 

As was customary in those times, when the Emperor died there was a massive public funeral that went on for days. While that was going on, the Emperor's body was quietly interred in a secret location.  It is believed We Le Hung had the mulberry bush buried with his father. We do know it was never seen or heard again.

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