As I have mentioned in the past, I am glad you follow my blog, but I write it mostly for myself. The challenge of finding something worth posting every day is one way to try to keep my mind active.
It is good to know you are out there, so once in a while I check the stats on my website to reassure myself that I’m not just mumbling to myself in the dark.
I was amazed when I checked this morning to learn that my blog has been seen in Germany – what Google calls page views – more than it has in the US. I don’t know when, why or how that happened – German page views last month were way down the list – but over the life of the blog, Google claims that German readers are on top by a huge margin.
I really don’t put much faith in Google’s stats. Last January, they said I had a big fan base in Malaysia, and they don’t even show up on the list today.