Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Sweet Toothed Squirrel

 We have about a gazillion squirrels here at the Boggy Thicket, and, once I was able to install a functioning squirrel excluder on the bird feeder, we have enjoyed them almost as much as we enjoy watching the birds.

Until yesterday.

Until yesterday, the squirrels had never bothered the hummingbird feeders.  Then yesterday afternoon I found a hummingbird feeder on the ground with chew marks all over it.  I suspected a squirrel.  The only thing other than hummingbirds that had ever bothered the feeders was a raccoon, but they only came at night and they didn't chew the plastic.

Then this morning, I caught a squirrel in the act.  I yelled at him, and when he jumped, he sent the feeder crashing to the ground.

Two feeders in less than 24 hours.  We obviously had a squirrel who had developed a taste for nectar, and wasn't going to stop.

I went in and loaded my 410, came back out and waited.  It wasn't more than 10 minutes before he came back again.

He won't be doing that anymore.

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