Friday, July 17, 2020

The Un-Fred

I've mentioned our Cardinals several times over the years - Fred and Ethel - for example.
Fred and Ethel are still going strong, and are currently feeding a couple of young ones that look to be about half grown.  
The adults visit the bird feeder and get a beak full of seed then fly over to the azaleas and feed the babies.  The little birds always do a little "feed me" dance that is fun to watch. 
For the last couple of weeks, we have had another couple of Cardinals that are trying to share the feeder with limited results.
The first time we saw the male, we thought Fred had been in a wreck, or maybe he was molting.  
The Un-Fred, as we have named him, has a disheveled look - his topknot is ragged and the feathers on his back are never sleek. In addition, he is simply not as red as Fred.
He is not a bad looking bird, but he is certainly not in the same class as Fred.  In fairness, I'd have to say that if there was a Westminster Bird Show, our Fred would easily take Best in Class, and probably Best in Show.
Un-Fred is also acutely aware that he is an interloper.  He clearly knows he is in Fred's domain. Whenever he lands on the feeder, he spends 90% of his time looking around for Fred, only occasionally grabbing a seed or two.  As soon as Fred shows up, Un-Fred takes off like a scalded dog.

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