Tuesday, July 16, 2019

I Feel Lucky

Honey had her semiannual checkup at the Dermatologist yesterday.  Her doctor is one of the most delightful people I've ever met, we had a most enjoyable visit, and the checkup went without a hitch. 
Once we got home, Honey said "We're up and dressed with nothing to do.  Want to go to the casino?"
Well, you don't have to tell me twice, so just before  noon we were on our way to Livingston.
Twelve hours later, we were back home with the same amount of money we left with.  That qualifies as a very successful trip.
We were lucky, but the casino not so much.  
They were installing a whole bunch of new slot machines, and somehow took down the network that controls stuff.  Some slots would not issue pay stubs, and for about half the casino, the stubs that were issued could not be read in the machines that convert them to cash.
That led to a mob of about a hundred people at the pay window waiting (in some cases, two hours or more) for their cash.
They eventually got the problem fixed, but not before having to delay three buses waiting to return folks to Houston.

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