Wednesday, August 29, 2012

the Great Facebook Experiment

My politics, like my religious beliefs (or lack thereof) are pretty hard to pigeonhole.  I guess I'm closer to being a Libertarian than any other label currently in use, but I’m not a perfect fit.   I’m a fiscal conservative and a human-rights liberal, but there are exceptions in both categories.

I think the spokesmen on both the far left and the far right are a bunch of charlatans and fools, but I do find that even the most outrageous buffoons at either end of the spectrum do occasionally get something right.

Currently, my big complaint is the lack of civility in politics.  I have a Facebook friend who posts dozens of truly offensive articles daily from some of the most blatant of the far left blogs – articles designed to inflame, full of lies and/or carefully edited half-truths. 

I was getting so tired of these tirades that I was considering “unfriending” this person, then today I discovered this option:

 unsubscribe copy

My Facebook page is Much more pleasant now.

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