Monday, May 7, 2012

Go Figure

There’s an old saying that goes “Figures lie and liars figure.”

Without sounding too cynical, I would have to say that this is one generalization that I can totally accept.

Whether its old wives tales, political rhetoric or what passes these days for news, we are constantly coming in contact with numbers that purport to prove an assertion.

Here’s a favorite example – Whether speaking of termites, hummingbirds or Apaches in ambush, the speaker claims “if you see one, there are (pick any large number) that you don’t see.”  Or, stated mathematically - If Xv=1, then Xt= (X+1)n where X= termites, etc., v is number seen, t is total, and n is any number pulled out of thin air.

The claim cannot be proven, but it is just as impossible to disprove. If said often enough, and with sufficient confidence, the assertion  will be accepted as fact by 99% of the population.

The discerning reader will note that I just made the same kind of statement. I have no idea what the actual percentage is, but that doesn’t mean that I’m wrong.

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