Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dumb As A Sack Of Hair


A few days ago, in a comment on Facebook, I referred to something as “dumb as a sack of hair.”  My sister replied that sacks of hair weren’t so dumb if they could save our coastline from the BP Oil Spill.

I’ll admit, I was just using a figure of speech; the so-called “Hair Booms” hadn’t even entered my mind, but now I feel totally justified in making my original assessment.  According to the San Francisco Chronicle, and other sources:

In the early days of the Gulf oil spill, there was a lot of buzz about how human hair was going to be used to sop up the mess. But in recent weeks, engineers involved in the cleanup have determined that homemade "hair booms" aren't a feasible option in the Gulf(since they don't work as well as the commercial kind), and donated locks are now piling up in area warehouses. As of May 23, Matter of Trust, the organization that's been spearheading the collection, said that it won't accept hair from new donors until it's worked through the tons that it already has.

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