Thursday, December 3, 2020

It HAD to Happen

The technician is due in an hour or so to get our generator working again.  When I placed the service call on Monday, Honey said "I'll bet we lose our lights before he makes it out here."

Sure enough, the lights went out at 2:00 yesterday afternoon and were off for about three hours.  Probably only a minor annoyance for folks who don't own a stand-by generator and are used to doing without electricity, but for us it was almost a major disaster.  

We're so spoiled, we didn't know what to do.  

The only candles we own are for aroma, not illumination, and the Coleman propane lantern from the camper had a disintegrated mantle.  We cooked supper on the top of the stove, dished it up via flashlight and ate it in the final fading light of the day.  

If the lights hadn't come back on when they did we would've been lost.  The whole experience made paying today's service call a whole lot more palatable.

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