A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy.
This was originally said in the early 1800s, and the quote has been attributed both to Alexander Tytler, a Scottish Lord, and to Alexis de Toqueville, the French historian. Whoever said it first, it is undeniably correct, and comes dangerously close to the condition America finds itself in today.
Something for nothing is never a good idea. Only later do we learn that anything "free" comes with a terrible cost. One look at modern society with all its ills, and if we are honest, we have to admit we brought it on ourselves.
Our parents, and even more so, our own generation and those that have followed, created this situation. Each wanted their kids to have it better than they did, and each gave their kids everything they could.
In a sad example of the law of unintended consequences, we created a Participation Trophy Society that doesn't appreciate what they have been given - it is basic human nature to equate free with worthless. Those things we got without ay effort are never held in high esteem. Even so, today's generation takes what we have given as a God-given right and only clamors for more.
What is true for individual families is even more starkly true on a national level.
We first proved it was true when we rounded up the Indians and stuck them on reservations. It only took a generation for once proud nations to degenerate into despondency, alcoholism and disease.
Not learning our lesson there, we tried the New Deal and the Great Society, and they gave us inner city Hell holes like Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore.
Today's political candidates are in a contest to see who can offer the most "free" stuff - health care, tuition, etc. I can't decide if they just don't understand or if they are willing to sacrifice the country for personal gain.
I'm not sure if there is a formula out there that would stop this downward spiral toward oblivion, but I do know that it will require hard work.