One more place our 5er is being advertised: HERE>
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
I Did That!
Went to the Murphy's station at my local Wal-Mart today and saw this...
Little portraits of Joe Biden pointing to the price window on every pump. Almost as good as "Let's go, Brandon!"
Monday, February 14, 2022
Mystery Birds II
He (actually, I think it's a She) doesn't land on the little perch like all the other birds, it hangs underneath and like a little avian contortionist, it reaches over to get seeds. I read that their tongues reach about two inches past their beaks and have little barbs that let them snag their food.
What I don't understand is the name - It known as is a Red-Bellied Woodpecker - and I wonder what sort of head trauma was suffered by whoever named it. Its belly is white as new fallen snow and the only red on its entire body is a splash of red on its forehead - more on males, less on females. I assume that Red-Headed was already taken, and White-Bellied lacks pizazz, but why name the poor critter something that it obviously is not?
Monday, February 7, 2022
Mystery Birds
This past weekend's freeze brought in a flock of little birds I had never seen before. There were a couple dozen of them, and they emptied the feeder in less than a day.
Today, there was only one of them left, and this was the best picture I could get. They are brown with a beige breast with distinctive black and white bands or stripes on their wings. I looked online but couldn't find an exact match. The closest was a Pine Warbler, but they are mostly yellow.
Saturday, February 5, 2022
FEMA, Constipation and Polio
Haven't posted in over a week - not because I had nothing to report, but because there was a whole lot of stuff happening.
Good news and not so good news about Ripley:
- First, he graduated Puppy School with flying colors. No cap and gown, but he did get a diploma.
- Second, he suffered a severe case of constipation last weekend - mostly due to the fact that he loves to eat sticks and twigs. He's OK now but with the large number of trees in our yard, I don't know how we will ever break him of eating wood.
Cheryl's pet goat got POLIO!
Not the sort of polio that kept us out of public pools as children, this was Polioencephalomalacia, which is a severe Thiamine deficiency, potentially just as deadly as Poliomyelitis. When they got her to the Vet, he didn't think she would survive, but she's back home and doing well. Polio, by the way is a prefix that refers to gray matter, and both diseases attack the brain.
You might remember that we had filed a protest with FEMA about the payout on our home repairs from Imelda. Two years after we filed the protest, we finally got an answer. FEMA had upheld our objection. That was a couple months ago, and we still haven't received a check. That should change as I just signed (electronically) the final estimate that will generate the check from the insurance company.
We will not be receiving nearly as much as I thought we had coming, but since we went over two years not expecting anything.....